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This tower was built in 1976 and was once North America's tallest freestanding structure. It held the record for 34 years. It has an equivalent floor count of 147 floors.
It also has a 360 degrees revolving restaurant on top which really revolves, by the time you finish dinner you are facing another part of the city.
This tower attracts 2 million visitors a's an icon for the city.
I have lived in Toronto my whole like and I've never been up to the Tower except this summer when my Sisiter in Law came with her husband I decded it was time for me to go up. I've been in tall buildings in New York City and Chicago but never here.............anyway all my friends really have never been there either in the Tower, they say it's for the tourists.
It also has a small airport which is now expanding where you can catch flights to some large cities across North America.
Thanks you for taking time and stopping by.......I greatly appreciate any comments.