I looooooove this Lamp, it has been around my Mom's house ever since I can remember. She got it sometime in the early 1950's. Well actually she bought it off an estate sale. I'm not sure how old it is but I do know that it's been in the family for 60 years.
My Mother adored this lamp, it was her favourite piece in her living room.........we were never allowed to touch it when we were younger. When my Mom passed away I inherited the Lamp, she always told me to keep it and as her wish I do. Maybe one of these days I will have it restored and rewired.
It looks all chipped away now, but I love the patina on it. I guess during the years the paint finish is coming off. When I dust it I do it very gently.
................. I have had some comment on it like let me paint it for you, thats when I cringe.
I had some tassels and didn't have someplace really to hang them so for the time being I hung them on the Lamp and I guess they managaed to stay there.
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