Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chinese Food Anyone?????

 The restaurant inside of many's an artificial tree.

     Yesterday we all went to a Chinese Buffet restaurant here in the city.........this one is a huge chain. I've seen some other Buffet places and they didn't seem to be very clean and the food looked like it was sitting there for some time.......This award winning Chinese Buffet is extremely busy so the food goes fast and they are constantly replenishing the pans....and it is so yummy....and a very large assortment of different types of dishes. The service is also good and very friendly, constantly your dirty dishes are whisked away and new napkins come often and your water glass is refilled so as it goes halfway's like being in the East, because they bow quite often and are very hospitable.

     We came here for dinner for two reasons.......firstly it was my husband's some kind of Holiday and secondly I have to start my diet and when I come here I just can't eat plain undressed green salad and some lil' grilled meat. My will power is basically below knee level when I see some yummy food and I have to eat that unsalted, carb-free, fat-free and no sweets....and I'm hungry. The savoury food I can stay away but show me the sweet table and I'm lost.

Salad Bar 

     It was interesting sitting at the table and watching he people to us was a husband and wife. They were sitting at a table set for six and I figured out they were waiting for someone. Later their daughter came along with her new boyfriend as I heard her introduce him to her parents...... as I was sitting there I could hear the daughter's boyfriend with a heavy accent explain that he is from India and doesn't eat meat and has never been to this restaurant and wasn't sure of Chinese food.....but this place really doesn't have Chinese food to the extreme, basically it is Americanized. Then they were explaining to him there were veggies there he could have. Sometime later they still weren't getting their food and then the son showed up with his new girlfriend as again he introduced her to the parents......well this girl was wearing a wool cap with this huge furry band around her forehead.....and it looked like she should have been in a snow blizzard, well through the whole dinner she sat and ate with that silly hat on. ....and it happened to be a warm day that night. But I guess she loved her hat.

 Seafood on ice.

     The other table on our other side was an older couple......the man had 4 huge plates piled high of whatever they had at the restaurant and for dessert he went for three helpings. His wife did the same, they sure were hungry. Very nice couple they tried to talk to us and told us that they were empty nesters and liked to come here at least once a week........and then go to the Mall across the street for some coffee. It was like a weekly routine for them....I guess I can look forward to this when I become an empty nester.
     Behind us a table of people were celebrating a worker's birthday from an office.........about a dozen or so of them, very noisy but they were all having loads of fun and gossiping away and snapping photos.    
     In front of us was a table of  about eight women with each one had two to three kids each and boy were they loud.......the waiters kept coming and telling them to be a lil' more quiet as I guess someone was complaining....and I noticed the kids were running around and grabbing serving spoons off the buffet tables. The Mother's were just gabbing away in their own language, which I believe was Somalian and I think they were there to celebrate their Holy Holiday Of Eid, not sure though.

     This was my experience at the restaurant last sure wasn't a nice quiet dinner but usually this place isn't except we like the food and great assortment of everything and clean and that's why we go there.


 Salad and Veggie Bar.

 Watermelon and honey dew.


 Spring rolls.


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  1. Your posts always make me feel hungry. Happy Kurban Bayram to your hubby.

  2. Hi Erica,
    This is a great collection of Chinese Food, wish I was there to enjoy it. Hope you had a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
