Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chinatown in Toronto

Toronto's Chinatown

Toronto has quite a large Chinese community.....in fact one of  the University here in the city  has the largest Chinese population of students anywhere outside China. One Sunday afternoon with not much to do we like to explore the city in which we live...it is extremely diverse with many cultures. 
We went downtown to Chinatown only one of a few that we have here in the city. But this is the original Chinatown and has since grown in size spreading to more streets.......they use to have a Jewish area here but they have since moved to another part of the city and so Chinatown grew. The Jewish area use to have the best Corn beef sandwiches here. It's basically located on Spadina Avenue...a walk through this Chinatown is like a walk someplace in China.......there is hardly any English spoken here at all.

 Dried fish......so smelly.

 Big bins of beans of some sorts not sure what kind.

 Bubble tea....seems to be the rage among the younger crowd.

 The main street called Spadina Avenue....has street cars running in the middle but not this week due to construction. Not too many people shopping today as it was a Sunday and looked like rain.....otherwise it is very busy and hard to get around with the crowds. It get very chaotic and parking is at a premium.

 My daughter holding her Bubble Tea....

 What is this????
 Strange 'things' in the bins.....not sure what they are. They are all mostly dried.

 Sugar cane drinks......quite popular there but I never got a chance to try one....don't need any more sugar.

 I stood in the middle of the street to take this picture.

 These buns were so tasty light and yummy.....

 These dried up fishies were only barely an inch...my daughter said do they eat the eyes also, well at one inch  or less I think you have no choice.

 Looks prickly but people were buying them by the bags full....supposed to be sweet.

 Ducks hanging ready to eat.

The Toronto 'Red Rocket' on a side street in Chinatown.

Thanks for stopping by....hope you enjoyed my tour Of Chinatown.

Linking to;  http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.ca/


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  1. Wow ~ Great photos ~ Looks alot like Boston's Chinatown and China ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Never been to Boston but sure would like to go and see....thanks for your comment.

  2. I really enjoyed the cyber tour to Chinatown. Glad I don't have to eat those fish eyes...but perhaps it would be interesting to find out what some of those items taste like in the bins. I think I'd like to try the bakery goods...brave little ole me.
    Joyce M

    1. The bakery goods were actually very good....normally I don't really eat in Chinatown b/c of unknown ingredients but these were tasty. thanks for your comment

  3. Great little tour of Chinatown Toronto style,thanks!

  4. the sights and smells in Chinatown are fascinating. "what is this?" is dried mushrooms--they're great in beef and noodle dishes. and yes, the eyes are eaten, too. LOL wow, you have the tropical fruits! i didn't know mangosteen, rambutan and atis can be shipped to Canada. wonderful!

    Live in the Moment

    1. Yes we have any imaginable fruit or any food item in Toronto. The reason being is that Toronto is the most diverse city in the world with so many cultures. The restaurants and food markets are amazing here...it's like you are actually in another country.thanks for your comment

  5. I enjoyed this tour and looking at all the different foods. Toronto is a lot like NYC!

    1. thanks for your comment.....I've lived in NYC and yes with the traffic congestions we get it is starting to be a lot like NYC but cleaner.

  6. I use to like to visit China Town, until I worked on Spadina, and then I just found I couldn't take the crowds, or the SMELL. I'm not sure what the bubble tea attraction is... did your daughter enjoy it.

  7. H Irene......I don't visit the downtown one too often just drive by but I usually hit the one in Mississauga on Dundas St...for my Chinese slippers (the fabric ones). But we don't eat in that small mall there. I just stick to Mandarin restaurant as far in Chinese food as I get :-)....yes I've never had Bubble Tea but my daughter likes those lil' balls of starch inside and the strawberry drink it comes with.
    ........thanks for your comment

  8. Always interesting to visit any China town, but this is my first visit to Toronto so thanks for showing me the sites :) I worked at restaurant once decades ago where there a Thai cook would prep the fish who seemed to love showing off and would pop the eyes (marble sized) out of a big fish and into his mouth eating them raw right in front the other workers astonished faces.

    1. Thank you for your comment.....yes we also have lots of Thai restaurants ere all over the city.

  9. You've mentioned two things that I'd forgotten I liked and are out of reach here; corned beef sandwiches and pekin duck. Wish we had a china town within driving distance.

    1. We have the best 'Corn Beef" sandwiches in town. There are lots of Jewish Deli's and they have the best...with a nice kosher pickle.
      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are feeling better. :-)

  10. Hi Erica, that is an interesting metropolis, and i am sure there are also lots of Filipinos there. The fruits you posted are mostly from the tropics, i bet they airlifted them because of their perishability, and then they are already very expensive there. Those custard apple, my favorite is very perishable and blackens fast due to handling, i guess they are not as nice anymore as those we have here. Even if it's my favorite, i don't like them with those qualities anymore! I wonder what country your family were before transfering to Canada!

    1. We have lots of Filipino's in Toronto...in fact there is a section in Toronto where you can find anything Filipino.
      My background is that my Great Grandparents came from the Ukraine to Canada....I have yet to see the Ukraine. My husband's family is from Turkey...so we are mixed. :-) Thanks for stopping by.

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