Friday, March 16, 2012

Best Buddies

 This is about my daughter who I'm extremely proud of and couldn't ask more in a daughter. Only if my parents and in-laws (RIP) could see that this year she is graduating from University and then going to continue more for a higher degree next year....and the work she did for her Charity.

 You are probably wondering why these cupcake photo's are up well this was her last Charity fundraising event (Bake Sale) she was doing for her Charity for mentally challenged and disabled persons. She has been with this Charity for 9 years and since she is graduating she cannot  any longer be President. She started in high school and has continued to the end of her University (College) graduation....and upon entering University she was made President.
This was a Charity started up by the Kennedy Family because of one of their sisters who was born mentally challenged.....this organization is worldwide.

 My daughter through the years has had several she had was quite severe in her early 40's and had been living with her Mom an elderly lady..... Due to some thinking and issues my daughter had to leave her due to her living very far....and with school work and going through an 'iffy' area she felt it was not safe going in the evenings. But due to my daughter's surprise, one day as my daughter was at the City fair a few years later her buddy Suzie recognized her. My daughter said she almost cried because Suzie cannot speak and my daughter knew that her work she was doing with her had been recognized by her and was happy that she was so attentive. Even her mother was surprised that Suzie recognized her..... because the Mother didn't.

For  a few years she now has a buddy named Jean, she's of Jamaican background and in her early 30's. She lives with her parents and has a full time job, working in a jewellery factory pricing items.  She is allowed to travel by herself on the subway and buses, so my daughter will take her out for dinner at her favourite Chicken (Swiss Chalet) restaurants for dinner or for Jean's favourite Coffee Shop so she can enjoy her donut. This girl is very appreciative and excited at any function that my daughter does as they are not financially able to do much in entertainment....for her going to a Donut Shop makes her day...... Sometimes it makes me think how fortunate I am. 

Through the years  my daughter had done several events for all the Buddies and their groups, Christmas parties, Valentine's parties, pot lucks, bowling, movies, Halloween parties, meet and greet, and some fund raising like this Bake sale.......I helped my daughter this time around as she had lots of Cupcakes to bake. We stayed up all night and then had to make a run to the store for some decorations..... her vice - president made some delicious chocolatelicious  brownies.  They did quite well and with the fund raising money they are all going bowling with the group  and have treats as this is my daughters last function she will be doing. They are all looking forward to this event....but this will be sad for my daughter. She will keep in contact with the Buddy though........

She is giving her post over to her vice-president who is very motivated, and has a bubbly personality.......and will do well. I look at some of these students with their big school work load and still have time even with their part-time jobs they do...... go out and do some charity work in helping less unfortunate people .

Have a great day!!!!


  1. You are rightly proud of your lovely daughter....and the cakes look delicious. J

    1. Thank you Janice....she's really a good kid and I'm really proud of her. She's into Law school.

  2. Your daughter sounds like a wonderful young lady and I can see why you are so proud of her xx

  3. This is a great and inspiring post. It's great to know that there are such wonderful people in the world. And you should be proud of yourself too because you are the one who raised such a caring and self-giving person.

    1. Hi Olya.....She's very good at helping people and she hopes to one day be an attorney for disabled people organizations....or juveniles in the court system.

  4. How kind your daughter is ... and I have just read yr reply above: what a great ambition, I wish her all the luck in the world.

  5. Thank you for your nice comment....she's a real good kid.
