Sunday, January 15, 2012

24th Wedding Anniversary


This is us 24 years ago...where have all the years gone. It seems like yesterday we just met. Wow, that was some hairdo I had.

Well we met and got married 2 months long engagements here. The celebration still continues. It gets better each year. Last night we went out for our Anniversary dinner......with our daughter. Even though she's 22 we always have taken her with us. I feel weird if she doesn't come. 

When I was a lil' kid my Grandfather (RIP) had a farm in the Niagara Region.......and he use to tell me that not to go beyond the tall trees behind the grape vineyard because a Turk on a horse would catch me......well little did he know but a Turk did catch me 25 years later. Just 10 days before I met my husband my Grandfather passed away. Only if he knew..... :-(  I think he said that because the Turkish Ottoman Empire use to attack the Ukrainian Cossacks and his ancestor's were from that area......and would steal the girls on their horses. Especially the blonde ones......but I'm a brunette. So maybe I would have been left behind....hehehe.

Today my dear husband will buy me my favourite vanilla cake from the local supermarket. It is my all time favourite dessert in the world.........I have to be careful b/c I can devour the whole cake myself. :-)  I have that cake every yaer for every occassion since I was lil' and had those kiddie birthday parties.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Congratulations! Many more happy years to you two!
    P.S. I want to try that vanilla cake!

  2. Happy Anniversary.. enjoy every bite of that cake.

  3. have no idea how difficult it has been trying to comment on here again. I've been trying for ages, using IE, Firefox and now Google chrome, and at last here I am.

    All that to wish you a very happy Anniversary xxx

  4. Thank you everyone for your kind wishes... :-) too I'm having a problem. Everytime I want to read the comments it goes into a white blank page. So I tried Google Chrome and finally I can reply back.
