Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Herb Garden

Thank you to Susan of
for hosting Outdoor Wednesday.

This outdoor herb garden is at my Sister-in-Law Lorraine's home...........on the side of her yard.
The tomatoes are on the side, I think there is a variety of them.

Various herbs..........

This is an Avocado that is taking root. She said she got this from Florida one year and decided to plant it at home. I doubt that it will grow much bigger here as we have pretty brutal winters up here in Toronto and cold.

One of her cats.......not sure if this is Paris or London. I believe she was staring at some birdies hanging around. I was trying to get her attention, but I guess I wasn't interesting enough.Thanks for stopping by!!!!!


  1. Your sister in law's herb garden is very pretty. The herbs look very happy in those cute pots. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from OW.

  2. Love all the beauty in those pots...just gorgeous! Her gate is fabulous, too...

  3. Your sister has a beautiful herb garden. I made the mistake of planting mine in my flower bed not knowing they will take over. Have a great week. Debbie

  4. What a neat and tidy way to garden. My flower beds are such a mess.
    Hey I was born in Windsor. We were kinda neighbours. Thanks for the visit. You should come west. You will love it.
