Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Turkish Bazzar

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Last week my husband Don just came back from Turkey after being there for a month visiting family and mostly some business. I couldn't go this time because I got clot in my leg and the Doctor advised that I better not fly in an airplane a far distance. Due to the cramped seating conditions..............and in the air for hours and hours. So it goes, but next year I'm going for sure.
This photo is an Olive vendor.........any kind of flavour or variety you want they have.

This Bazzar is in the coastal city in Turkey called Izmir. Almost everday throughout the city in some locations they have Bazzars. This one in particular is on Thursdays.........and I mean every Thursday. It was raining this particular Thureday so they had put out huge tents to cover the rainfall, but most days it is all in the open and extremely crowded and noisy. The reason for the noise is the vendors yell something about their products.........I must admit I never heard such loud voices some of them have.
Lettuces and greenery..........

Some lil' lady was selling this yummy. I believe they call it a "Gypsy Salad".

Fishies..........very fresh probably caught that same day. Notice they have no refrigeration.....and my husband said no one ever gets food poisioning.

Clothes galore.........

Slippers........anybody's home you go into they hand you slippers. Absolutely no outdoor shoes in the home. I like that because that is how my Family was when I was growing up.

Wallets...........any knock/off you want??????


Jewels.............costume. The real stuff is all behind glass.



These purses are only a couple of bucks.

This only a fraction of the is very big with a couple thousand vendors and customers........when I go there I spend about 8 hours and still I've missed some stalls.
Another olive vendor...........

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!!!!!


  1. I'm just 1 hour drive away from you. I'm in Guelph. Looks like you have been to Turkey many times. What a fun place to visit. I heard that Turkey is in the top tourist destination.

  2. Looks wonderful husbands family lived in Izmir for several years...they loved it!
    I often think of making it back to Turkey one day...
    Lovely post!

  3. Wow.. Erica, what a great looking Turkey Bazzar.I would love to shop in that place.My favorites would be the fresh food items, purses and shoes..and some jewelry..I like the idea of taking off your shoes at the helps to keep the floors cleaner.We did this when visiting my daughter in Japan once, and it was neat to wear slippers around the house..I wish I could make it a habit at my house!!
    Thanks for your visit to my place today..
    Hugs, Baba

  4. Enjoyed seeing some of the sights of Turkey. I was in that part of the world several years ago and visited a similar Bazzar.

  5. Looks like a fun place to shop. doesn't it? You can find just about anything there!
