Monday, November 23, 2009

Blue Crystal Vase

Thank you Hostess Sally for hosting "Blue Monday" for some fabulous inspirational ideas and fun!...

Be sure and visit the other participants at

Today I'm showing for "BLUE MONDAY" a crystal vase that has this beautiful turquoise blue pieces of crystal. The photos don't how show the full potential of the colour. It especially looks gorgeous in the bright sunlight.

This was my Mom's........she has had it ever since I can remember. She never put any flowers in it, I think because then you would lose the design. It's a special vase to me as it was my Mom's and I inherited when she passed away...........I keep it in a curio cabinet which doesn't do any justice to it, but I'm afarid during those dusting frenzy's it might fall and break.....I know I'm being paranoid but these things do happen.


Thank you for stopping by..........and be sure to visit the other Happy Blue Monday bloggers. Happy Blue Monday to All!

Love to hear and read any comments.........I really enjoy other participants comments and their Blogs..


  1. A truly beautiful vase. You have a real treasure there with a lot of good memories. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. That is a lovely vase, Erica. I love the shade of blue.

    Happy Blue Monday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  3. Oh, Erica, it's a gorgeous vase and meant to be enjoyed. For you it's even more special because it was your mom's. Happy Blue Monday and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. This is a beautiful vase and of course, since it came from your mother, it is all the more special! I love anything that has been passed on to me by my mother or grandmothers.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Happy Blue Monday!! Lovely blue vase and with such great memories that come along with it.

  6. Erica, that is a gorgeous treasure. What a joy it must be to you. Have a wonderful Blue Monday and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.

  7. Absolutely lovely sparkling blue vase! Perfect for BLUE MONDAY! Thanks for sharing and...Have a happy Thanksgiving all week long! Hugs, Coralie

  8. Hi Erica.

    What! Never heard of East Gwillimbury!?! LOL You are not alone. It rarely appears on maps. But you may have heard of Holland Landing, River Drive Park, Sharon, Queensville or Mount Albert, all of which are communities in East Gwillimbury.
