Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank you to our wonderful Hostess Susan for hosting this "Foodie Friday".

Stop by for some fun and exciting recipes and fabulous pictures at

Bean Salad, is the recipe I'm going to show today. I learned it off my Mom. It was one of her favourites and very easy and fast to make. Also my daughter and husband enjoy it as well.

Here I used white kidney beans but I have also used chickpeas as well which comes out the same and if you want you can add some chopped up cucumber or even add 1 garlic clove minced. All optional and what you prefer.

Bean Salad
1 can white kidney beans OR 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 tomato, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1/2 cup cucumber, chopped
3 Tbsp. flat leaf parsley, chopped
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 Tbsp. Olive oil
In a bowl put rinsed and drained beans and set aside.
Add chopped tomato, onion, cucumber and parsley. Mix well till combined.
Mix Olive oil and lemon juice together and pour over above salad and mix well.
Ready to eat or make a couple of hours before and refrigerate.

.....ready to eat.

Hope everyone enjoyed my tried and true simple "bean salad".........Love to hear any comments.
Have a "Happy Foodie Friday"!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. Friends.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Blue Crystal Vase

Thank you Hostess Sally for hosting "Blue Monday" for some fabulous inspirational ideas and fun!...

Be sure and visit the other participants at

Today I'm showing for "BLUE MONDAY" a crystal vase that has this beautiful turquoise blue pieces of crystal. The photos don't how show the full potential of the colour. It especially looks gorgeous in the bright sunlight.

This was my Mom's........she has had it ever since I can remember. She never put any flowers in it, I think because then you would lose the design. It's a special vase to me as it was my Mom's and I inherited when she passed away...........I keep it in a curio cabinet which doesn't do any justice to it, but I'm afarid during those dusting frenzy's it might fall and break.....I know I'm being paranoid but these things do happen.


Thank you for stopping by..........and be sure to visit the other Happy Blue Monday bloggers. Happy Blue Monday to All!

Love to hear and read any comments.........I really enjoy other participants comments and their Blogs..

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Thank you to our wonderful Hostess Susan for hosting this "Foodie Friday".

Stop by for some fun and exciting recipes and fabulous pictures at

Today I'm doing Chicken-on-Stick. Basically it is like a Breaded Chicken Cutlet on a stick. My Mom and Aunt use to make these all the time. In the old days they used pork, but with being more healthy I make it with white chicken breast. I'm of Ukrainian background so any wedding or function you attended these meat on sticks or 'patychky' would appear. Those are the names we use to call them. Also they are very popular in the Polish Community here too.

I don't follow any recipe but just cut up chicken breast deboned and skinned into even cubes.. Then I set up 3 pie dishes ........ thats what I use. First one I beat eggs with a splash of water, the second dish I have flour and the third dish I use Panko and Italian seasoned breadcrumbs with a ratio of half/half. To the breadcrumbs I also add seasonings like garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste.

Firstly I skewer them onto shish kabob sticks [I use thicker ones], then coat them with flour, secondly dip into the egg mixture and thirdly into the breadcrumbs.

Heat up large skillet with Canola oil and saute for 3 min. on each side..........

When we were younger my brothers and I would fight who would get how many sticks each to eat. Now I make it for my daughter, nieces and nephews. They always request it when i have something going on in my home. :-)

Skewered and ready to be dipped into the flour, egg mixture and then breadcrumbs.

Coated and ready to be sauteed.

Sizzling away in the skillet.........

Cooked and ready to eat.
I hope that you enjoyed my Chicken recipe today. Happy Foodie Friday!!!!!!
Be sure and stop by for some fun and exciting recipes and fabulous pictures at

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall garden.

Today is 'Outdoor Wednesday" be sure and visit and see the fun everyone is up to.
Thank you to our Susuan for being a wonderful Hostess for this fun "Outdoor Wednesday", everyone is so creative.
Today I'm doing a tour of my backyard outdoor space.....This is the last of my plants that I have outside.

Pinky purple Fuschia.......even with zero temperatures here in The Great White North this plant is still thriving.

Yellow mums..........this is the last of them. Next week I don't think they will be around.

My Garden plaques behind some English Ivy. Soon they will be cleaned and put back into the garage to come out next spring.

This lil' lady I call her hangs on the side of my garage........and yes I put an artificial fern in there. That's the only thing that will grow in there without my help.
This lil' cherub is over 100 years old and comes from an old home somewhere in England. I actually have two of them and they are about 4 feet tall on pedestals. I keep them outside all year long, becuase if they stood all time then I need not worry.

When my parents passed away a week apart my husband and daughter bought this for me in memory of them. A lil' angel sitting on its own bench.

This gal holds some begonia's in the summer time that I plant.

These are my Garden Gnomes and The Seven husband still has to clean them and put them away. He put them together in one spot but as you can see looks like they had a Civil War in the garden. This was due to the Racoons, squirrels, chipmunks etc........coming around and actually moving them around............... especially that big Racoon, he is very bad. He flips trash cans and moves lawn furniture at night. I guess he's hungry. Well firstly I shouldn't leave him food sometimes, becuase if he can't find any and I forget he gets mad.

My froggy among some Lavender.

My snail and mushroom among the veggie patch.........well it use to be before.

Thanks for stooping by and be sure to visit the other participants.
I love comments so don't forget to leave some.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mini, mini Tea Sets.

Today I'm showing you my lil' mini, mini Tea Sets that I pick up in China town...........

I decided to show for Show and Tell an older Blog that I did........for my mini tea sets.

This set is very, very tiny. it comes form my daughters playhouse.

This is my favourite teaset........
I enjoy reading all your comments and hope to hear from you.!